How to Make Cake Balls


It’s cake...but different, and it’s so good. Cake balls are so fun to make and are a perfect way to reuse old cake that is sitting in your fridge about to go bad . They make a cute dessert, a sweet snack, and a great goody bag filler to give your guests post-dinner party!


  • Cake scraps

  • Extra frosting

  • Candy melts

  • Sprinkles (optional)


Start by crumbling all of your leftover cake and scraps into a medium bowl.

Add a little extra frosting to the mixture to ensure that the balls will be able to stay together. The amount of frosting you add will depend on how much cake you’re using, so just go with your gut and remember that you can always add more. Start with a smaller amount and work your way up to the right consistency.

Once everything is mixed together, roll the dough into balls using your hands and place them onto a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper. If you have one, a cookie scooper would also be great for this to make sure all of your balls are the same size! If you don’t, don’t sweat it, they’ll still look very pretty.

Let cake balls chill in fridge for 20 minutes.

Now it’s time for you to get creative! I love to dip my cake balls in melted chocolate and decorate them with sprinkles, candy melts, and whatever else I have laying around!

Once your cake balls are decorated you can dig in right away, or let them sit in the fridge or freezer to ensure your chocolate and decorations are fully cooled and set.


Don’t throw out leftover cake! Get savvy and make cake balls instead.
