Tools: Labeling


Here’s a top tip from me to you (with love): label literally everything in your fridge.

Labeling may seem like a big pain in the butt, but it’s worth it. Whether we’re talking about wrapped up dinner leftovers, herbs in a mason jar, or extra salad dressing, label it so that people know what it is and when it was bought/made. I picked up this trick when I was working in a restaurant kitchen and it has made such a difference in my home kitchen. All you need is a piece of tape and a sharpie, and you’re golden! If people know what they’re looking at in the fridge, they will be way more likely to eat it.

Labeling your food will remind you to eat your food, which means less waste and less money spent on things you don’t need. That’s a big win-win for you. So go ahead and buy yourself a nice little role of tape and label away, you won’t regret it.

What you’ll need:


  • These deli containers are fantastic. They come in multiple sizes ( 8, 16, and 32 ounces) and will save you so much space. They’re easy to label and stack for all your organizing needs. My fridge and pantry is stacked with labeled containers of all sizes.

  • Another great option is this 18-piece Pyrex set made of tempered glass. It’s super durable and great for holding and reheating larger amounts of leftovers.


My go to tape for labeling is blue multi-surface scotch tape. It’s easy to write on and peels off of surfaces without leaving residue behind.


A proper pen or marker, such as a Sharpie, is the lifeline of any chef. Being able to quickly check off a to-do list or label specific food item is an underrated necessity in keeping an efficient kitchen. Trust me, having the proper pen to label your kitchen items will make allll the difference.