Tools: The Mandolin


The mandolin! You ever heard of it? Well now you have, and you should go out and buy one.

To me, the mandolin is an essential part of a kitchen. A mandolin ensures that food is cut perfectly uniform. This is helpful if you need to make a dish look pristine, or just have your food cook evenly. The blade of a mandolin can be adjusted to different widths so that you can slice food with varying thickness. By sliding your food across the blade of the mandolin, your food becomes sliced. I like to wear gloves when I use the mandolin to avoid having my own fingers run over the blade, that thing is sharp as hell. I have horror stories to prove it. I also protect my fingers by using my palm to move the food once it gets down to the end. We want sliced veggies, not sliced fingers.

Having a mandolin in your kitchen will save you tons of time, and will also get you picture perfect slices. This tool will change your cooking for good and you’ll never look back.
